Day 10/11: 3 States, a billboard and fun in the water.

Most of the day Monday, we took our time driving from the borders of Wisconsin/Illinois/Indiana. We rested when we have a need to. The weather was a bit in the slumber mood … dark, and rainy … and Chicago rush hours weren’t much of a help either. It was bumper to bumper traffic. We decided to end the night in Indianapolis! 🙂

Tuesday, we got to Louisville fairly decent so we scouted the city for the conference location, parking spaces, and met some of the ASF Staff. On our way back to the Campground, we even saw the electronic billboard of Matt. Our little guy was so fascinated to hear and see his “5 minute fame” :). As we were nearing the camping ground, we passed an aquatic area within walking distance of our home for the week. We’ve promised Matt that if it was early enough, we will find something to do for him. Most of Angelman kiddos are enamored with water, I have yet to see one AS who do not love the water.

Outfront Media in Louisville donated this billboard to help us raise awareness!

Matt playing on the splash pad.

Swimming pool / splash zone right next to our RV park.

Our tired Angel sleeping with mama.