Day 15/16: Downtime

ASF Conference officially ended Saturday, and we weren’t able to wrap our farewells. AS families … it is never a goodbye, until 2021.

Our 2nd eldest son was able to take time off from work and met with us in Louisville. We haven’t seen Mikey in almost 2 years since he was stationed in Evans, GA. I coaxed to feed him Filipino foods if he joined us. If you ask him, he will tell you he wanted to experience camping-in-style. Well, with the heat index nearing triple digits, camping with an air conditioning is definitely a luxury.

After the airport, we went to Williamstown to visit a replica of Noah’s Ark. Stayed the night at Georgetown RV Campground. A friend of Erin Bates who happened to camped where we are at posted on FB that she saw an Angelman wrapped camper. Well, at least our Awareness is making a stride.

Sunday, we drove to Nashville … we stopped, took some pic of Grand Ole Opry and we said goodbye. I don’t get the “country-hype” but I guess, we must be adaptable and do like every tourist … snap a pic, pose and post.

Off to the next State!!!

loser look of how big this Ark is. A triple decker, and the inside is just as amazingly huge

Please feed us …
We will dance Macarena for food. 🙂

Grand Ole Opry … the day was beautiful but very hot, so we didn’t checked it out closely.

Literally, we snapped, we posed, we were gone!