Day 7: Make the best of your situation

I don’t know about your spiritual walk, and while I am not going to preach about my religion, one thing I can tell you I will never waver is my faith in God. Since we have Matthew, it has been hard to attend church religiously. We can agree to disagree but my relationship with God does not have to be confined solely in a church structure. Just like any relationship, “I have a love-hate relationship with God”. I’m emphasizing the “I, me” in this relationship. While I am less ideal of a Christian, God has always been faithful. This Awareness we are doing is an example of how faithful He has been although I shame Him with my imperfections.

We’ve planned our route, checked it twice, and we were supposed to be seeing the eldest child and his family in Rockford, IL. We’ve planned on passing to see them but we were notified that our son has been called to go to another state for several weeks for work so there might not be a chance to see them.

Then this medical scare came full circle. This derailment has dumped so much stress in us and our schedule that I’ve asked God why does it has to be so difficult? With God’s infinite wisdom, He responded in a faint-small-voice reminding me to see the “good things in the circumstance”. While Mike was in the hospital, one of the Angel Mom who happened to be a nurse, who only lives 3 minutes away from the hospital was able to be the ears/eyes for me. I didn’t hesitated to asked for help, I don’t think I could say no when she was the perfect “God-sent-to-rescue”. We were left in the camper alone, got evicted from our spot in the Campground, and Mike’s nephew who lives an hour away came to tow the camper and let us stayed in his ranch.

After I picked Mike from the hospital, we celebrated with “the Ketchum” family. We have had small time to hang out, try some Filipino cuisine, exchanged stories about “how to live a life with blended family”. The Ketchum girls were a hit with Matt. Guess why? — all the girls are very pretty!!!

All of us has been thrown into this tail-chasing-drama from opposite directions but God put us in the perfect place were we both can find a little peace and feel the overwhelming sense that “everything happens for a reason”