Signia is one of the leading hearing aid brands in the world. Their goal is to enhance human performance through iconic innovations that shape the hearing aid industry, and I can attest they are AMAZING.
I’ve suffered from hearing loss since I was in my teens and as I get older it’s been getting harder and harder for me to understand certain words or hear people in meetings, so we reached out to Signia and they sponsored us by sending me the Pure Charge and Go 7AX.
I’ve only had them a day but all I can say is WOW! There are so many sounds that I am not used to hearing. My wife doesn’t have to yell for me to understand her so that alone is worth a million dollars. 🙂 I couldn’t believe just everyday things that I am not used to hearing are crystal clear now. I can hear birds outside chirping, I didn’t realize my badge beeps when I swipe to go into my office or how loud the gravel is when you walk on it. Again, it’s only been one day but just those alone are crazy if you think about it. Everything I own is always on vibrate because I typically cant hear the high tones. Now I hear it all and it’s truly amazing.
Thank you to Signia and to the Texas Hearing Clinic here in Lakeway, TX for making a huge difference in my day-to-day life.
Texas Hearing Clinic – If you live in the Austin area and need to have your hearing tested or speak with a specialists, the team at the Texas Hearing Clinic are truly amazing and they truly care about their patients.
Signia – If you need hearing aids I’d highly recommend that you learn more about Signa. From my personal experience they are truly “THE BEST!”